

In a product so simple, our dedication stands out.
First, try the plain flavor. You will smell a sweet aroma as soon as you open the bag. The texture is light and crispy rather than crunchy. This flavor cannot be achieved without making the dough with great care. The essential part of shortbread, our dough is made by kneading flour with butter. Butter is delicate and can easily change its condition by the day. One must make minute adjustments, such as taking the butter out of the fridge early in the cold season. Our artisans say they can judge the final product just by seeing how the dough bakes. With such a simple baked product, there is no room for compromise. We take on that responsibility to achieve the ultimate level of perfection.


No eggs used with adzuki beans.
The process for making our adzuki bean and matcha flavors is also an elaborate one. First, for the adzuki flavor, we leave eggs out of the ingredients. We made this bold decision to bring out the flavor of the adzuki beans. Eggs are normally an essential ingredient in baked goods, and they also play an important role for their ability to expand and harden in heat. However, eggs overwhelm the flavor of adzuki beans and keep the shortbread from turning a nice crimson color when baked. So, even though it makes the creation process somewhat difficult, we leave out the eggs and bake our adzuki bean flavor KAMAKURA DAYORI at a different temperature than the plain flavor.


Rethinking matcha production areas.
Although Uji is the most famous matcha production area, we deliberately use matcha from Nishio, Aichi. This is because it has a more mild, mellow flavor. We also add condensed milk to further balance out the bitterness. We confidently recommend this product even to people who are not fond of matcha. By the way, no food coloring is used in either our adzuki bean or matcha varieties. We produce these instantly recognizable colors using only natural ingredients.


A wish to watch over the town of Kamakura
Sadly, the ginkgo tree that used to be the symbol of the Tsuragaoka Hachimangu shrine has fallen down. Now, its wish to watch over Kamakura has been passed on to the “Kamakura Dayori,” such as they are, which symbolize the leaves of the ginkgo tree. The new greenery in spring, the yellow leaves in autumn; please enjoy while recalling those colorful leaves.


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